Merry Christmas
From BERMES PROJECT TEAM, we wish you Merry Chrismas filled with joy, love, and warmth. Thank you for being part of our journey this year. Here's to a wonderful year ahead!
see newsNational Congress on Asbestos
Next Saturday, 16 November 2024, the National Asbestos Congress will take place in Toledo. National Congress on Asbestos in Toledo, which will take place in the Centro Cultural de San Marcos, a space provided by the City Council and organised... see news
Aromics and Bermes project will be present in next BIOJAPAN 2024, celebrated from 9th to 11th October in Yokohama. BIOJAPAN is the Asia's largest partnering event consisting of Exhibition, Seminar, and Partnering program. This event is consituted... see news
Aromics one of the catalan companies at Japan Mission 2024
Aromics, and its CEO Dr. Plasencia have been part of the delegation of Catalan companies that has travelled to Japan for the BIOJAPAN fair. On the second day, the delegation participated in an @ICEX_ programme to analyse the #medtec and #biotec ecosystem... see news
EU-Japan Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference 2024
Aromics and the BERMES project will participate in the EU-Japan Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference 2024. The EU-Japan Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference 2024 offers business contacts for industry professionals looking for potential partners... see news
ESMO Barcelona 2024
Aromics and Bermes Project will be present at ESMO 2024 conference. The conference, this year in Barcelona (Spain) is a globally influential oncology platform for clinicians, researchers, patient advocates, journalists and healthcare... see news
17/07/2024 - 17/07/2024
Biomarkers in psychiatry session
oin us in todays SESSION: Understanding Biomarkers in Psychiatry: from clinical trials towards personalized medicine. LINK to connect Agenda: • Definition of biomarker • Where and... see event
Visor of Asbestos Roofs in Catalonia
We attended the PRESENTATION OF VISOR OF ASBESTOS ROOFS, which is presented this Wednesday June 26 at 19h at the headquarters of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona (FAVB) in C/Obradors, 10. The event has been organized... see news
IDEA2 MIT program completed
7 months of intense mentoring from the world’s best at MIT: finished ✔ Our project has completed its participation in the IDEA2 MIT program. This incredible seven-month experience provided innovation training and project mentoring from renowned... see news
Meet us at Bioequity Europe 2024
Aromics and Bermes Project will be present at Bioequity Europe 2024 conference. The conference, this year in San Sebastian (Spain) or by virtual attendance is renowned for bringing together CEOs and investors to network, partner, and debate... see news
IDEA2 2024 meeting
Dr. Carmen Plasencia, CEO f AROMICS presents the advances of our projects at the second meeting of IDEA2 2024. AROMICS is one of the eight teams admited in the current edition organized by the international biomedical technology... see news
Second course on environmental health and medicine
The Catalan Society in Environmental Health (SOCSA) organizes the second online training course on environmental health and Medicine. During the training course, Dr. Plasencia, CEO of the company will explain about the past, present and future... see news
Merry Christmas
The members of our team wishes of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Asbestos Comission
Last meeting of the year of the asbesots comission organized by FAVB. It is a subgroup of the FAVB's Environmental Commission in order to adequately address the issue of asbestos. It is a space for sharing strategies, mutual support and... see news
XXIII Farma-Biotech Collaboration Initiative
Aromics and its project BERMES, among the 8 biotech companies selected for the XXIII forum of collaboration between Pharma and Biotech organized by FARMAINDUSTRIA in Madrid. The forum aims to improve the partnerships and collaborations among biotech... see news
AROMICS project selected in the MIT IDEA2 2024 contest
MIT linQ, an international biomedical technology innovation consortium based in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute for Medical Engineering and Sciences (MIT IMES), introduced the eight teams admitted to IDEA2 2024. The seven-month... see news
1st Congress No ASBESTOS in Navarra
The main objective of this first congress in Navarra is to inform citizens about the danger that living with asbestos represents for everyone, as well as to urge the competent authorities to eradicate asbestos in our province and to create safe cemeteries... see news
CPHI meeting in Barcelona
AROMICS' CEO Dr. Plasencia will participate in CPHI meeting 2023 in Barcelona. It is among the most important meeting of pharmaceutical sector. We are looking forward to meeting pharma professionals, face-to-face, at the heart of pharma. CPHI... see news
AROMICS' CEO Dr. Plasencia will participate in Biospain 2023. The even takes place in Barcelona, on September 26-28, 2023, and it is one of the largest international biotechnology events in southern Europe, which will be carried out... see news
The International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig) and the French Cooperative Thoracic Intergroup (IFCT) organize the 16th International Conference of the international Mesothelioma interest group (iMig 2023) to be held on June 26th – 28th... see news
SOCSA meetings
AROMICS' CEO Dr. Plasencia is external collaborator of the Chemical Exposome Working Group of the SOCSA. The comission meets regularly to discuss about potential impact of different chemicasl like asbestos in human health.
see news1st Multidisciplinary Meeting to address the problem of diseases of environmental origin
Next 26th and 27th January will take place the first multidisciplinary meeting to address the problem of diseases of environmental origin. The event, will take place on Hospital HM Nou Delfos, Auditorium D, Avinguda de Vallcarca, 151, Barcelona.... see news
Convention Against Asbestos and its consequences
The collective of Macosa-Alstom Retirees Affected by Asbestos, together with the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona, organize for November 26th, at the Auditorium Sant Martí, he first Convention against asbestos... see news
Aromics Biotech and BERMES Project at the LEADERSHIP4SME Start-up Pitch Session
Aromics and its project Bermes participated in the matchmaking meetings with the IP and business support experts, #investors and #DeepTech #startups at the LEADERHSIP4SMEs community event celebrated in March 2022. LEADERHSIP4SMEs... see news
Aromics one of the companies pitching at #EICSummit2021
The new European Innovation Council, launched in March 2021, is holding this event on 24-25 November 2021 in Brussels in an online format. It offers a unique opportunity for European start-ups, SMEs, researchers, potential investors, to connect and... see news
Aromics Biotech presents the progress of the Bermes project at Women Entrepreneurs.
Dr. Carme Plasencia, CEO of Aromics Biotech will present the progress of the Bermes project at the Women Entrepreneurs session. The InvestEU Portal and EuroQuity join forces and are proud to present this e-pitch - Women Entrepreneurs - to be held online... see news
Aromics and Bermes project advances at EBAN CONGRESS 2021
r Plasencia CEO, will be presenting the latest advances of the company pipeline and the BERMES project in the EBAN congress 2021 The EBAN Congress will welcome more than 400 Business Leaders; Early Stage Investors; Business... see news
Aromics and its BERMES project in the International Mesothelioma Interest Group (IMIG 2021)
AROMICS and its European project Bermes, at the 15th International Mesothelioma Interest Group Meeting (iMig2021 ). The International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig 2021) is an independent international group of scientists and clinicians working to... see news
Aromics among Invest Horizon's TOP 2020 companies
Invest Horizon is a programme funded by the European Commission, in partnership with Eureka, to facilitate the financing of deep technology companies by boosting their investment strategies and improving their investor relations. The programme is run... see news
Aromics CEO, Dr. Plasencia will take part at the fifteenth annual BIOEurope Spring conference 2021. This year the conference will be held March 22-25 in a fully digital format. It will include on-demand early access to the company pitches, program sessions,... see news
Asbestos On-line Debate
The Commission against asbestos of the FAVB has organised an on-line debate on Thursday 28 January 2021, to discuss the dangers of asbestos and talk about its eradication in Catalonia over the next ten years applying European guidelines. Speakers will... see news
Aromics Biotech in Module 3 of WE Health: Empowering women's leadership in health innovation
On 14 and 16 September, the CEO of Aromics Biotech, Dr. Carme Plasencia, was one of the speakers at the third module of the Training Programme offered by the Empowering Women Entrepreneurship in Health Innovation (WE Health), a strategic project of the... see news
Aromics advances at E-Pitch Health Forum 2020
Aromics' CEO Dr. Plasencia will present the advances on its BERMES project at the E-pitch Healthcare forum that will take place online next 9th June 2020. The company is one of the eight companies selected to pitch in front of the... see news
Bermes project at InvestHorizon eForum Pitching Sessions
Dr. Carme Plasencia, CEO of Aromics, will present the advances on Bermes Project at the InvestHorizon Pitching eForum Health 2020 that will take place Online on 03-05 June 2020. The project is focused on development of a novel therapy for malignant... see news
Asbestos, a health problem. How can we get it out of the buildings?
The Association of Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Barcelona (Caateeb), within its "Construction Dialogues" cycles, warned last Monday of the risk to public health posed by asbestos and the need for the Administration to... see news
Barça is hosting a meeting of female entrepreneurs and managers to explain the women's football project and promote the role of women in sport.
Futbol Club Barcelona hosts a meeting of female entrepreneurs and managers to explain the women's football project and to promote the role of women in sport. More than 70 businesswomen, amongst them our CEO Carme Plasencia and Catalan managers have... see news
Aromics among the eight companies led by women achieve more than 8 million financing.
The European project 'EMPOWA', promoted in Catalonia by ACCIÓ, the Catalan government's agency for business competitiveness, has enabled eight SMEs and start-ups led by women to access 8.1 million euros in funding from the European Commission... see news
Aromics and its project Bermes in the exhibition "The fight against asbestos".
The TMB Foundation has organised an exhibition to explain the measures that the TMB company has taken to eliminate asbestos from the Barcelona metro, from which it has already removed 108.7 tonnes of this material potentially fatal to health. The exhibition,... see news
AROMICS in the Tech Tour Contest Final 2019
AROMICS among the 175 most innovative European companies in the high technology sector, will present its advances in the 3rd edition of the Tech Tour competition, before an international audience of 350 investors, important companies and innovation e... see news
The Bermes Project will participate in the 7th International mRNA Conference
Dr. Carme Plasencia, CEO of Aromics will present on 11-12 November the progress of the BERMES Project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme at the 7th International mRNA Health Conference, which is the main destination for meetings... see news
Working Day on asbestos and its impact on health
On the 15th November 2019, the first scientific working session on asbestos and its consequences in health will take place. It is a scientific day aimed to discuss about different aspects of the diseases directly associated to the exposure... see news
Bermes project present at the Sino-Europe Innovation Week of Health Technology
Dr. Carmen Plasencia, CEO of AROMICS will attend next month (from 13.10.19 till 16.10.19) to the 2019 SIWHT, Sino-EU Innovation Week of Health Technology, taking place in the most innovative area of Shenzhen, Nanjing and Shanghai in China. The... see news
BERMES Project at European Biotechnology Journal - Spring Edition
The European biotechnology Journal in its Spring edition, echoes BERMES work in malignant mesothelioma, a rare ang aggressive cancer directly linked to asbestos exposure. ... see news
AROMICS will assist to the lecture about awareness of the asbestos dangers
Dr. Plasencia and the biotech company AROMICS will attend to the informative lecture to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos organized by the Works Committee of the Barcelona Metro (Solidaridad Obrera) and the retirees of Macosa-Alstom on July... see news
AROMICS attended to Catalonia Bio Lessons Learned "The Social Return on Investment in biomedical companies, a rising value?"
Lessons Learned session, on 9 May in the Barcelona Science Park, featured entrepreneurs, investors and heads of organisations working to have an impact on society, who had the opportunity to share their points of view and experience in a dynamic,... see news
AROMICS' CEO will be present at the SME instrument Wellcome Day
AROMICS Chief Executive Officer and co-founder, Dr. Carmen Plasencia, is one participants in the event organized by the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot dedicated to SME Phase 2 Insturment funded projects. The company... see news
Orphanet is the reference information portal on rare diseases and orphan drugs aimed at all audiences. The aim of Orphanet is to contribute to the improvement of the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases. Due to its incidence,... see news
AROMICS' Ceo Dr. Plasencia will be present at PhD day of IDIBELL
Dr. Carmen Plasencia, CEO and co-founder of AROMICS, will participate in the round table “Women in Science” at the PhD Day at IDIBELL. The meeting aims to be a place of interaction between scientists and their innovation ecosystems around... see news
AROMICS receives the Seal for Innovative SME from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities recognized the innovation and advances of Aromics in developing novel therapies for highly unmet medical needs. The seal awards companies that have proven, with its trajectory and activity,... see news
AROMICS' CEO will be present at the Empowering Women in Tech Event
AROMICS Chief Executive Officer and co-founder, Dr. Carmen Plasencia, is one of the women entrepreneurs invited to participate in the event organized by the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot dedicated to Women in Tech. The event... see news
AROMICS will participate in Bioequity 2019
AROMICS and its Bermes project will be present at Bio€quity 2019, the main investors’ event dedicated to the European biopharmaceutical industry, which will take place in Barcelona on 20th and 21st May 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. ... see news
AROMICS receives 1 Million Euros to advance in its therapy for cancer
The European Commission has allocated, through the H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-Phase 2 program, a total of 1,085.659€ to the BERMES project of Aromics, the objective of which is to complete the regulatory pre-clinical stage in order to begin... see news
The biotech company Aromics recieves 1 M€ from the European Union to boost its drug against the asbestos-related hallmark cancer
The European Commission has allocated, through the H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-Phase 2 program, a total of 1,085.659€ to the BERMES project of Aromics, the objective of which is to complete the regulatory pre-clinical stage in order to begin... see news
BERMES project seeks to develop a new cure for Malignant Mesothelioma
The European Commission has allocated, through the H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-Phase 2 program, a total of 1,085.659€ to the BERMES project of Aromics, the objective of which is to complete the regulatory pre-clinical stage in order to begin... see publication
AROMICS launches BERMES website
Visit BERMES website and know more about the project goal and advances.
see newsAROMICS receives Horizon 2020 SME instrument funding to develop a new therapy for malignant mesothelioma
BERMES, a proposal submitted by the Spanish biotechnology company AROMICS, has been selected to receive EU funding from H2020 SME Instrument Phase II topic. This grant represents the first big step forward for the company as it looks for bringing the... see news